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Nós Não basta ver nossos produtos como "produtos químicos", mas como "soluções" Isso pode trazer valores e resolver os problemas dos nossos parceiros.

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Bradley W. do México
Bradley W. do México
"Lá são parceiros de canal que estão apenas na lista e, em seguida, há aqueles Quem você realmente pode confiar em & Vá para o mercado com. Sunman é um verdadeiro "parceiro" Quem entende nosso negócio e nos dá maior apoio. Que é por que nossos negócios continuam a crescer com Sunman cada ano. "
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 Gaurav R. da India
Gaurav R. da India
Nós cooperaram com Sunman empresa por alguns anos e eles Sempre pense no cliente lado. Eles Tenha equipes profissionais para lidar com diferentes problemas ou solicitações. Então você sempre sabe quem você quer falar para.
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 Piyaporn S. da Tailândia
Piyaporn S. da Tailândia
Nós estão completamente satisfeitos com as mercadorias com alta qualidade e ótimo serviço que recebemos de Sunman ansioso para trabalhar com eles novamente no futuro Futuro
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Kobus M. da África do Sul
Kobus M. da África do Sul
Isso é minha terceira vez usando matérias-primas Sunman i seria Recomendo fortemente esta empresa Eu tive uma grande escassez de matérias-primas problema. mas eles sempre estender sua Serviço ajudando-nos a encontrar fonte alternativa difícil de encontrar o material crua. Eu ligo eles Para todos Minha necessidades!
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 Jeffrey H. da Indonésia
Jeffrey H. da Indonésia
Eu expressei minha apreço ao seu time esta à tarde. Eles fez um maravilhoso trabalho. Você foram um prazer trabalhar com. Eu definitivamente recomendo sua empresa a quaisquer clientes em potencial que estejam procurando Resinas para impressão de tinta Mais uma vez, graças a você e sua equipe inteira.
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Ellyn, il do Brasil
Ellyn, il do Brasil
Nós Apreciou você trabalhando conosco para fornecer a solução mais eficiente para nossos revestimentos necessidades. Você foi além do trabalho satisfatório para Excelência. Obrigado Você!
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Últimas notícias

É nosso código de conduta para ser seu parceiro responsável e confiável

Notice For National Day Holiday of 2024
Sep 27, 2024 Notice For National Day Holiday of 2024
Happy National Day!
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What factors affect the low adhesion fastness of plastic gravure printing ink?
Aug 20, 2024 What factors affect the low adhesion fastness of plastic gravure printing ink?
The adhesion of the ink film on the substrate is called the adhesion fastness of the ink. In plasticgravure printing, there are many factors that affect the adhesion fastness of ink on the surface ofthe substrate. Only by comprehensive analysis and evaluation of ink components, solvent properties, and substrate properties can the ink’s adhesion fastness be fundamentally improved. The test of ink adhesion fastness is generally measured by scotch tape sticking and pulling. If the ink is transferred in a large area or completely after sticking and pulling, it means thatthe ink has poor adhesion on the printing film. Poor ink adhesion will cause a large area or all ofthe ink to transfer when the composite film is unrolled, resulting in low composite strengthand affecting the use of composite packaging bags. The ratio of true solvent to false solvent in the ink solvent will also affect the ink adhesionfastness. Although the false solvent cannot actually dissolve the resin, its cooperation withthe true solvent can make the polarity of the mixed solvent system adjustable in a wide range,so as to adapt to the polarity of the ink resin itself and achieve the best solvency. Resin molecules are stretched microscopically in a solvent system with suitable polarity, which isconducive to dispersion and wetting during the grinding process with pigments, and formsa uniform package state. However, if the proportion of the false solvent is out of balance,the stability of the resin system will deteriorate, the microscopic resin molecules will becomecurled, and even multiple resin molecules will be entangled and wrapped by the false solvent,which will not be well formed with the pigment particles during the dispersion process.Very good wetting will affect the uniformity of ink fixation and film formation on the surface of the substrate, and the adhesion will decrease. It can be seen that in plastic gravure printing inks, there are many factors that affect theadhesion fastness of the ink on the surface of the substrate. Only by comprehensively consideringthe performance indicators of the ink can the ink have a fundamental impact on the adhesionfastness. While improving, it will not affect other properties of the ink. Sunman Resins can improve quality of your ink. Such as: glossiness, adhesion, fast drying, yellow resistance, leveling, weather resistance and pigment wettability. So if you have any questions, contact us now.
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Four types of Road Marking Paint
Aug 01, 2024 Four types of Road Marking Paint
Types: 1. Thermoplastic Paint :This type of paint is heated to a molten state before application, allowing it to bond effectively with the road surface upon cooling. Applied using heat, thermoplastic paint forms a durable bond with the road surface, capable of withstanding heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions. 2. Cold Plastic Paint: Cold plastic road marking paint is a two-component system comprising a resin base and a curing agent. It offers excellent adhesion, durability, and visibility, even in harsh weather conditions. Cold plastic paint is commonly used for road markings in urban areas and crosswalks. 3. Epoxy Paint: Offering exceptional durability and resistance to chemicals and abrasion, epoxy paint is commonly used for indoor applications such as parking garages and warehouses. It provides long-lasting, high-visibility markings. 4. Water-Based Paint: Water-based road marking paint is environmentally friendly and easy to apply. It contains water as a solvent, making it safer for the environment and applicators. Although not as durable as thermoplastic or cold plastic paint, water-based paint is suitable for temporary markings and low-traffic areas. Composition: Road marking paints are typically composed of three main components: Binders: Binders hold the pigment particles together and adhere the paint to the road surface. Common binder materials include acrylic, epoxy, and thermoplastic resins. Pigments: These provide color and visibility to the markings. Reflective pigments, such as glass beads, may also be added to enhance visibility at night or in low-light conditions. Solvents: Solvents help maintain the paint’s viscosity during application and facilitate drying. Environmentally friendly formulations may use water-based solvents instead of traditional volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
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